Grüne Pflanzen vor I-Reihe

Campus development

How do we succeed in reducing Ruhr University's carbon footprint? How do we increase resource and space efficiency on campus? How do we improve the microclimate and environmental conditions on campus? And how do we increase biodiversity? These are all questions that we want to consider early on in the design and planning of our campus.

Examples of ecological and regenerative measures on campus

  • Campus Gardening

Campus Gardening has been taking place on the RUB campus since 2019. Students and employees come together in the project to garden together. The aim is to create a little more green on campus. We report on new developments here in a timely manner.

Campus Gardening 2022

Betonblumenkasten mit bunten Blumen und Windrädchen
Zwei Männer knien rechts und links eines Betonblumenkastens
  • The reCYCL:ing project

The project "reCYCL:ING" is an initiative of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering 20 old concrete buckets along the I-row were beautified, redesigned, replanted. The concrete squares, originally intended to serve as trash cans, have now been transformed into flower pots with direct seating. The project is supported by the Green Office and the Botanical Garden.



Mann mit grünem Pulli bringt Nistkasten im Baum an
  • Nesting boxes

The campus of Ruhr University Bochum with its existing green spaces is a habitat for different species of small animals and birds. In coordination with the Faculty of Biology and the Botanical Garden of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, suitable locations for smaller and larger cavity-nesting birds and for the installation of nesting boxes on the campus of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum could be identified. The measure is intended to contribute to increasing biodiversity on the campus.

To the article in the news portal

  • Student garden

In the Student garden, RUB students from all departments grow potatoes, blueberries and mint. The garden is located behind the Ruhr-Universität refectory, right next to the daycare center, and is always happy to receive energetic support. Not only are a variety of fruits and vegetables grown here, there is also a dyer's garden with flowers and shrubs from which natural dyes are made.

More info about the Student Garden

  • Sustainable university library

The cascading staircase in the university library is already being used by the UB team for interior greening. Over several floors, plants can thus spread out on the different levels and contribute to a more pleasant room and lounge climate within the building.

Article in the news dossier

Grünpflanzen in der UB
Grünpflanzen ranken das Treppenhaus der Unibibliothek entlang
Blumenkästen vor dem Audimax
Campus Development
Our dossier
Sustainable Campus
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