Gänseblümchen Hand Puzzle

Hand in Hand towards more Sustainability

Ruhr University defines itself as a university community committed to sustainability.

Warm Invitation

Students and employees are invited to contribute their ideas on the various aspects of sustainability, for example in one of the think tank's working groups. Ideas for projects and activities related to sustainability are always welcome at the Sustainability Office.

Sustainability Task Force

The Sustainability Task Force is jointly chaired by Rector Prof. Dr. Martin Paul and the Ruhr University's Sustainability Officer Prof. Dr. Andreas Löschel. Its goal is the development as well as the implementation of a sustainability strategy at Ruhr University. The Task Force is in regular exchange with the Sustainability Think Tank, the Green Office as well as groups and initiatives interested in sustainability on campus.

Everyone involved in the Sustainability Task Force is united by the fact that we want to get things done. We want to implement, we want to show that sustainable projects are good - for our students and for our university.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Löschel
The Sustainability Officer
Prof. Dr. Andreas Löschel
Prof. Dr. Andreas Löschel

Prof. Dr. Andreas Löschel is economist and was appointed to the RUB in September 2021. As a scientist, he has been dealing with sustainability issues for a long time. Since 2011, Löschel has also been chairman of the expert commission for the German government's "Energy of the Future" monitoring process.

The members of the task force
Rektor Löschel
Rektor Martin Paul und Nachhaltigkeitsbeauftragter Prof. Dr. Andreas Löschel
Andreas Löschel (links) und Rektor Martin Paul leiten die Task Force Nachhaltigkeit an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Fotomontage).

  • Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Martin Paul, Rector of Ruhr University
  • Prof. Dr. Andreas Löschel, Sustainability Officer of Ruhr University
  • Prof. Dr. Günther Meschke, Prorector for Research and Transfer
  • Prof. Dr. Rolf Bracke, Head of the Fraunhofer IEG
  • Prof. Dr. Annette Hafner, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Prof. Dr. Michael Roos, Faculty of Economics
  • Ina Schwarz, Head of Department for Building and Real Estate
  • Prof. Dr. Sebastian Susteck, Faculty of Philology
  • Prof. Dr. Kristina Tschulik, Faculty of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Sustainability think tank

The Sustainability Think Tank began its work in February 2021 and accompanies the strategy process in close cooperation with the Task Force. It sees itself as a space for ideas and discussion and is open to all university members.

In groups, participants of the think tank work out concepts that are then implemented university-wide via the Sustainability Task Force. Interested university members are cordially invited to participate in the meetings of the Sustainability Think Tank and to get involved in the working groups:

Overview of the working groups of the think tank

  • WG Study and Teaching
    led by Prof. Dr. Sebastian Susteck
  • WG Sustainable University Library
    led by Dr. Vivian Strotmann
  • WG Sustainability of the Center for Science Didactics
    led by Dr. Peter Salden
  • WG Sustainability Week
    (deals with the content and organization of the sustainability week in October)
    led by Dr. Timo Klünder
  • other temporary groups

Moodle course

A Moodle course is used to coordinate appointments, post minutes, and hold discussions.


Get involved

The next workshop of the think tank will take place on

  • tba

Since this is a face-to-face event, registration is requested by tba. at You will find an agenda in the Moodle Course.

Sustainability Office

The Sustainability Office (NHB) sees itself as a student-driven contact point for all projects and activities related to sustainability on campus. The team informs and sensitizes for the topic, networks actors, plans and implements activities.

Blühende Sitzbänke vor dem Audimax
Sustainability Office
What is our aim?
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