Studierende Fahrrad
Studierende beim Fahrradfahren auf dem RUB-Campus

Living Sustainably on Campus

Here you will find suggestions and ideas on how you can bring more sustainability into your everyday campus life.


If you cycle to work or to university, you are not only doing something good for yourself, but also for the environment. The Ruhr-Universität Bochum offers various services for cyclists.

Bicycle self-help workshop and repair café

Just throw away what's broken?! That hits both the wallet and the ecological conscience. In the AStA's bicycle self-help workshop, bicycles can be repaired with expert help. The necessary tools are also available. Use is free for students, all others are asked for a small donation.

The AStA Repair Café is also about tackling the throwaway society with knowledge transfer and community spirit - here, visitors not only learn a lot while repairing, but also appreciate their belongings more.

Conserve Resources

The Repair Café also cooperates with the Bochum Library of Things. Items ordered in advance - tools, kitchen appliances, garden tools - can be picked up at the café.

Two other AStA projects ensure that resources are not wasted:

For example, the Fair Divider - shelves and a refrigerator for food on the first floor of the student house - takes food and is ready to be filled and served.

Bookcases take in unloved and unused books, which are then in turn freely available to others.

Student Garden

In the student garden behind the RUB dinning hall, students from all departments garden and educate themselves on fauna and flora. In a dyer's garden, plants even grow from which natural dyes are made.

Eine Erdbeere aus dem Studigarten
More about the Student garden
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