What can I do?

The sustainability portal is meant to be a platform and an invitation to the entire university community to take action together. Use these pages to find out about existing initiatives, make contact with fellow campaigners and implement project ideas together.

Grafik Puzzle Gärtnern
Puzzle mit Motiv  von gärtnernden Händen

We can only succeed in driving change in line with the Global Sustainability Goals if we act together.

Prof. Dr. Andreas Löschel, Sustainability Officer Ruhr University Bochum

Save the date

Studierende mit Block

The university community is invited to get involved, for example in the think tank. The next workshop will take place on 4 May from 2-5pm. Please register by email: nachhaltigkeit@rub.de.

Ein Plakat wirbt für den Nachhaltigkeitsflohmarkt, im Vordergrund Blumen

On 15 June, the Asta's popular sustainability flea market will take place on the Ruhr University campus. More information will be provided in short.

junge Leute pflanzen etwas in den Boden

The day of sustainability at Ruhr University took place: 11/14

Get engaged, participate, network!

Blühende Sitzbänke vor dem Audimax

The Sustainability Office is the central coordination and contact point for sustainability at Ruhr University.


From Enactus to Nabu: An overview over voluntary groups at Ruhr University.

Studierende die Fahrrad auf dem Campus fahren

From cycling to campus gardening – this is what sustainable campus life looks like.


More information about the process of building our strategy and how you can get actively involved.


IT'S YOUR TURN: Simple measures that reduce energy consumption.

Sustainability portal
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