Research for Sustainability

The United Nations wants to achieve 17 sustainability goals by the year 2030. The work of many scientists at Ruhr University contributes to this.

Frau mit schwarzem Blazer

Die Bochumer Forscherin setzt ihre erfolgreiche Arbeit im Beirat für Waldpolitik weitere drei Jahre fort.

drei Männer auf Couch

Eine genetische Veränderung kann Enzyme, die Wasserstoff herstellen, stabiler machen.

Frau mit pinkem Blazer

Eine Studie zeigt: Der Ausbau der Erdgasinfrastruktur gefährdet die Energiewende.

Our distinguished and internationally networked researchers in engineering, natural sciences, humanities and social sciences develop interdisciplinary research approaches and methods to advance social, ecological and economic sustainability transformation.

Prof. Dr. Günther Meschke, Prorector for Research and Transfer

Sustainability research in Network

How can we make the transition to closed carbon cycles? How can geothermal energy be used in an environmentally friendly and intelligent way? How can sustainable river landscapes be planned? In research projects and interdisciplinary alliances, scientists at Ruhr University are addressing the challenges of epochal change.

Gefällte Bäume

Die Ruhr-Universität hat mehrere Forschungsbereiche etabliert, in denen Fragen der Nachhaltigkeit zentral und praxisnah adressiert werden und in denen Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler inter- und transdisziplinär zusammenarbeiten.

Sustainability research in practice

Ruhr University participates in national and international research networks, invites visiting scientists, for example, and is constantly expanding scientific collaborations in the field of sustainability research, such as recently with the Frauenhofer IEG.

Best Practices
  • GenoMobil

In the BMBF-funded joint project GenoMobil, researchers are investigating the potential of cooperatives as an organizational form for the socio-ecological transformation of integrated mobility.

To the project website

Website Future Sustainable Mobility

  • Holzbau findet Stadt

The aim of the Holzbau findet Stadt research project is to efficiently exploit the potential offered by climate- and resource-friendly building constructions for the development of the CO2-neutral building stock by setting the course at an early stage in urban design and planning.

Project overview

  • Carbon2Chem

The Carbon2Chem team is researching how to make good use of metallurgical gases produced during steel production.

Project description

Bunte sprechblasen auf grauem puzzleteil
Sustainability and transfer
More examples

Sustainability research in teaching

Im Projekt "Forschendes Lernen" haben Studierende die Möglichkeit, Projekt-, Bachelor- oder Masterarbeiten zu Nachhaltigkeitsthemen zu verfassen.

In der Vorlesung geben Forschende unterschiedlicher Disziplinen Einblicke in Arbeiten zu sozialen, ökologischen und ökonomischen Nachhaltigkeitsfragen.

Grünes Blatt auf grauem Puzzleteil
Studies with a sustainability focus
What is already there ?
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